
Showing posts from April, 2022

Tellius Provides Decision Intelligence Through a Modern Approach

Tellius Decision Intelligence enables business users and analytics teams to quickly understand reasons and key drivers for business behaviors and get instant answers using natural language. Mechanize complex information examination to uncover main drivers, figure out key business drivers, look at associates, and distinguish significant portions in your information. Immediately surface experiences concealed across your information storehouses. Remove significant discoveries by examining billions of important pieces of information from different sources right away. Tellius gives an advanced way to deal with choice knowledge that serves both the requirements for impromptu information investigation and representation, joined with computerized revelation of experiences from AI, with cloud scale and versatility. Tellius is the primary choice knowledge stage to deal with impromptu inquiry and process serious ML/AI jobs, raising information scale by 100x and speeding revelation of experience

Modern Data Analytics is a Multi-Disciplinary Tool for Collecting, Storing, Transforming, and Analyzing Data

A Modern Data Stack is a suite of tools used for gathering, storing, transforming, and analyzing data. Every one of these layers assume a vital part in your association's objectives to get better bits of knowledge from tremendous measures of information and to reveal new open doors for development proactively. Not at all like inheritance advancements, you can as a rule begin rapidly, partake in a pay-more only as costs arise evaluating model, and will not be secured with a particular seller for the whole stack, so blend and matching best-of-breed devices for your Modern Data Stack is a center occupant. With regards to the examination layer, the average devices individuals generally contemplate are dashboards for business clients checking KPIs, SQL question for investigators to dig further, and ML demonstrating for master information researchers. These procedures have been with us for a really long time and build up the customary examination process where organizations look out for

Augmented Analytics & Business Intelligence Services are Provided by Tellius

As the next generation of business intelligence,  augmented analytics improves the self-serve model in several distinct ways. Using artificial intelligence, it simplifies data prep by automatically sourcing data from various databases and integrated tools. And once the data is in the platform, it allows users to self-serve ad hoc reports on a conversational UI using natural language queries. Augmented analytics  doesn’t just simplify data analysis on the backend. It also delivers insights and visualizations via natural language generation (NLG) to make data more accessible and valuable to the average user. The software also slices and dices the data in real-time to provide insight into the “why” behind the reported information — not just the what, who, and when. And, over time, the algorithm develops a deeper understanding of user intent, which allows it to deliver more targeted and nuanced answers to complex questions. However, with augmented analytics tools, you can automate data pr

Snowflake Analytics Platform Leverages by Tellius for Interactive Exploration

Tellius leverages Snowflake’s cloud data platform for interactive exploration and analytics, pushing down in-database queries without moving data out of Snowflake Analytics , and surfacing insights faster than relying on manual analysis techniques Tellius delivers AI-Driven Analytics & Guided Insights with the same level of elasticity, scalability, and flexibility offered by Snowflake. Our native cloud, distributed architecture means that we can automatically add and shrink resources on-demand based on current workloads, with zero user maintenance. Tellius provides the full continuum of analytics, from descriptive, diagnostics, predictive, and prescriptive. With machine learning models from Tellius Guided Insights and AutoML that can score or label records and make predictions, updated customer or transaction records can be written back to Snowflake to take action based on newfound insights. Automated generation of insights run directly inside Snowflake to identify trend drive