Snowflake Analytics Platform Leverages by Tellius for Interactive Exploration

Tellius leverages Snowflake’s cloud data platform for interactive exploration and analytics, pushing down in-database queries without moving data out of Snowflake Analytics, and surfacing insights faster than relying on manual analysis techniques

Tellius delivers AI-Driven Analytics & Guided Insights with the same level of elasticity, scalability, and flexibility offered by Snowflake. Our native cloud, distributed architecture means that we can automatically add and shrink resources on-demand based on current workloads, with zero user maintenance.

Tellius provides the full continuum of analytics, from descriptive, diagnostics, predictive, and prescriptive. With machine learning models from Tellius Guided Insights and AutoML that can score or label records and make predictions, updated customer or transaction records can be written back to Snowflake to take action based on newfound insights.

Automated generation of insights run directly inside Snowflake to identify trend drivers, compare cohorts, and spot anomalies by evaluating every combination of data points. With Java UDFs, customers can bring Java functions they built using Tellius transformations and execute them natively within Snowflake’s Data Cloud.


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