Biotech and Pharma Analytics Trends Companies Face An Unstoppable Increase

 Companies in the Pharma Analytics Trends and biotechnology industries have seen an unstoppable increase in the amount of data coming from both internal and external sources. In order to help analysts and business teams make better data-driven decisions in areas like market access, payer analytics, and commercial effectiveness, Tellius offers tried-and-true analytical frameworks to streamline the analysis of market share and formulary data from providers like IQVIA and Symphony and accelerate the generation of insights guided by ML/AI.

The marketing channel mix can be improved by using automated machine learning to analyze commercial and market data. Gather and examine prescription data from industry sources to give the commercial team a thorough understanding of healthcare providers' prescribing patterns. Build propensity models of anticipated prescription behaviors through collaboration on advanced analytics to influence future results.

By overlaying HCPs against sales coverage and focusing on underperforming HCPs, chances to increase market share can be found. Monitor market share trends proactively, identify broken trends, and identify the fundamental causes of market share shifts across all of your data. Apply analytic data frameworks to various brands and project market share increases by addressing coverage gaps.

With voice and Natural Language enabled self-service apps, sales teams may operate more efficiently and effectively. To improve the productivity and efficacy of commercial field teams, deploy conversational AI data assistants. By providing sales representatives with mobile access to analytics and prescribing trends, these data assistants assist them in customizing their contacts with physicians.


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